Thursday, 28 June 2012


Hey guys,
Today you will have learnt that I do not like storms! When I was younger my mum told me a story of when there was a storm lightening stuck a tree and nearly killed her she loves storms but me since that day I panic when I hear a slight rumble of thunder. I hate them and at the moment I  am sat under the stairs where there is no electric with my iPod on full blast shaking like a leaf. Under the stairs is the only place I feel safe, I can't hear the thunder because of my music and sat in a cupboard I can't see the lightening :D
I always end up crying and I find it hard to breathe when I first start to panic I think I should stock up on brown paper bags to help me breathe haha.
Sorry this has been a sad weird blog but I didn't know where else to go whilst I am panicking, my mother is at work and my partner is also busy at work :'(
Mwahh xx

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Epilator Review!

Hey guys,
I thought today i would share with you my favorite beauty item of all time! My Philips Epilator. I was bought this for christmas by family and i have to say it is without a doubt the best present i have ever had. I have the philips HP6509 Satinelle soft total body epilator. Before i had a Epilator i used to hate getting my legs out, i would shave my legs and within 24 hours would have thick, black hair all over my legs again and the more i shaved the more quicker and thicker they came back. At one point i thought if i left them to grow for awhile they wouldnt grow back so quick, but they did. My sister (who bought me this Epilator) had asked me what i wanted for christmas and i said and Epilator as they were on offer at the time for £20 instead of £50, so that is what she bought me. At first i was a bit scared to use the Epilator, as i knew it was a little machine that had lots of little pairs of tweezers in it and it spins really fast to get the hair out. I read on setting one (it has two speed settings) it pulls up to 600 hairs a minute and setting two up to 733 hairs!

 My epilator runs on mains only, i think you can purchase ones that run on batteries and some you have to charge up but mine only works when it is plugged in, which i don't mind. If you are looking for an Epilator to use wet or dry look around i know Braun do one. I like to weight of the Epilator it isn't too big and isn't too small it is just right and i think it is worth every penny.

My Epilator came with a few accessiories which i believe all of them do. From left to right, 1) a shaver, this is like a razor you use when shaving your legs i don't tend to use this as i love the Epilator part, 2) A brush top this can go on the top of the Epilator or shaver it raises the hair to make it easier to grab the hairs, 3) a massage head with little comb, this raises the hair but also when Epilating it stings a little bit so with the massage head it massages blood and it doesnt sting as much and lastly a bursh to clean your little beauty machine. 
The reason why i have this Epilator is because the hairs on legs don't come back as quick, i can go a good few days without Epilating or shaving and the hairs are ultra thin, to the point even if i know my legs have needed to be Epilated i get away with not doing it all the time. It works wonders on the bikni line too and i have tried it on my arm pits but it made my eyes sting aa little so that is something i will have to get used to within time i guess.
Laura Tips:
1)The instrution manual that it came with said it is best Epilate after a bath as the pores are open, but i find before the bath is best as the hair are my slippy and it takes more time to Epilate.
2)It also said to Epilate at night time so the little red bumps you sometimes get settle down, but i find you can do day or night as long as you use a non-perfumed moisturiser afterwards and really massge it in.
3)Pull the skin tight where you are Epilating as this makes it easier it doesnt hurt as much.
4)If the hairs are really long trim them down a little with the shaver as it hurts when they are bigger and sometimes it missess them.
5) Lastly use the Epilator around 2-3 a weeks to begin with until you notice the hairs seems to grown slower and finer and then keep to once a week.

You can purchase this Epiltor From Boots, Amazon, Philips Site and Superdrug. You can purchase this item from alot of places but i have only named the main ones, if your type in philips epilator on google or yahho you will get a lod of different links. The price differs in different shops but shop around.
I hope you enjoyed this blog i will be back with more soon

Mwah xxx

* Disclamer: Item mentioned was a gift from family and all opinions are my own.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

7 Things!

Hey guys,
Recently i have been inspired by SprinkleofGlitter Aka Louise, because she is so bubbly, is a full time mum and still finds time to write blogs and film and post videos on youtube. I am a follower to her blog here and also i am subscribed to her youtube channel. Louise always seems to brighten up my day and i think her daughter is so cute and the other day she wrote a blog to get everyone involved ina 7 things tag let's say. You choose 7 things to do over a period of time and it keeps you motivated, so i thought i would join in.

My 7 Things.
Starting from 25th of june till the 2nd of July i plan to. Please note i am only starting off with little things as i want to start little and get bigger and better.
1) Finished reading body of Evidence by Patricia Conrwell and start reading the next book in the series All That Remains.
2) Learn a new recipe and cook it from scratch and test it on the family muwhahaha, only joking i can cook :)
3) Teach myself a new nail art, i like to mess around with my nail art pens and make new designs. (I will put a blog about one if i create it)
4) Exercise for an hour once a day, i have never been a "fit" person but i would like to loose a little weight so hopefully this will help me.
5) I would like to move around my bedroom and try it in a new style, so i can give my room a good sort out and tidy.
6) I plan to go around my area (where i live) and hand out my Cv to all hair salons as i need a job, plus they get to see my face and see my skills.
7) Lastly i would like to start going to bed a little earlier, as i got to bed abour 10:30pm and cat settle down and relax for ages and i only end up getting 5 maybe 6 hours sleep so if i go to bed earlier i may actually get a good nights sleep.

To read what Louise is aiming to achieve click here and this is the link to click to join in the fun ->

I hope you have fun and don't forget to join in, see you soon.
Mwahh x

Monday, 18 June 2012

Nail Varnish Collection.

I thought today i would show my nail varnish collection. I was going through all the different colours the other day whilst i was chosing my latest colour to paint my nails and i had an idea to share with you my nail varnish collection.

This is my collection, i store all my makeup in a four drawer wicker cabinet and my polishes fill the bottom drawer of this cabinet. I own 53 different nail varnishes in all shapes and sizes and hopefully will buy more. I also own the basic white, black, also nail varnishes for french manicures and also i have a few Sally Hansen  nail Polishes to strengthen the nails and 8 nail art pens. Lets start with a run down of my nail varnish collection what make and what colours i have.

My BarryM Nail Paint Collection

 I am a HUGE fan of BarryM Nail paints, I think they last for a long time, they really strengthens up my nails, as i do have weak and brittel nails unless i look after them. I have 15 colours so far and would love to own the whole collection as i love the colours and how pigmented they are. Also if you do forget to use a Base coat these don't stain the nails. You can purchase these nail paints from Boots, Superdrug and from the BarrM website My colour collection from (Top left to bottem right): 161 Vivid Purple, 303 Bright Purple, 272 Shocking Pink, 279 Bright Pink, 309 Strawberyy Ice Cream, 136 Tangerine, 296 Coral, 273 Raspberry, 310 Mushroom, 313 Dusky Mauve, 292 Navy, 312 Indigo, 294 Cyan Blue, 291 Colbalt Blue and lastly 290 Spring Green. BarryM nail paints are without a doubt my favorite nail paints.
BarryM Nail Effects Nail Paints.
As i stated above i love BarryM Nail Paints and i am also a lover of their different nail effects paints. I only have the crackles and croc in black so far s i have been unsure which colour to buy for a different effect..Any Suggestions? I would love for them to bring out more colours in the magnetic nail paint.Each colour as a different magnetic effect, look at the lids and that is the pattern the magnetic will create. I purchased all four colours as i wanted to mix and match the polish and magnet.You can buy these also from Boots, Superdrug and online & Collection (Left to right)323 Croc Effects, 311 Nail Effects, 329 Magnetic Violet, 327 Magnetic Burgundy, 328 Magnetic blue, 326 Magnetic Dark Silver.

Rimmel Collection.
I also like the Rimmel collection, i like how they are highly pigmented but i have found after wearing them for two days they begin to chip easily and i prefer my nail varnish to last a little longer as i dont have the time to be sat there painting my nails every day and i find they take ages to dry also. You may notice some are from the i love lasting finish collection and some are from the 60 seconds collection i see no different in collections they both have the same finish and dry as quick as eachother. My collection(Top left to bottom right) 198 Azure, 819 Green With Envy, 236 Green Grass, 610 pompous, 195 perfect Plum, 055 Sunshine, 320 Rapid Ruby, 030 Double Decker Red, 619 Pulsating, 021 Magenta Magic, 230 Portobello Pink, 050 Tangerine Queen.  
Prmiark Collection
I recently purchased the primark nail polish as they were £2 for four nail varnishes and i like the neon colours and also the pastel collection. I didnt think they would be as good as they are, i have the mint green one on at the moment and after 4 days still has no chips. I have found you will need 2 coats maybe three depending on how thick you like your colour to be. As these are primark collection nail polishes i can't write their names or numbers, but i will recommend you purchase these whilst they are in stock and i do hope they bring out more nail polishes like this. From trying these i am tempted to try out their make up line too.

Miscellaneous Collection
These are a few odd nail varnishes i have bought to try or were gifts. The ones with no label were from a make up set i had for christmas, i am unsure where is was purchased from and how much they were as i have said it was a gift. They are very watery and need at least 3 coats of paint on each nail the collection is called Markwins International?. The avon Matte grey polish is very in your face grey, is good for halloween  and for people with courage to wear it on it's own, top coat dials it down a little but i still don't have the courage to wear it without my Avon colourtrend green one in the bottom middle as they make a lovely grey colour with greenish tint to it this is coloured Avon Matte Nailwear Grey Cement.The other avon Nail varnish is a nice colour, looks natural on the nails and works well to create a french manicure, it is also a speed dry nail polish it really does dry quick, this is colour Ballerina and is good quality i would recommend as it doesnt chip much either. The purple nail polish is from the line called Attitude, i bought this when i was at the hair and beauty warehouse as it was only £3 and thought i would give it a try, it is good quality is watered down a little but still only needs two coats, I dont like the brush as it is hard and rough and does sometimes leaves lines in the nail polish, The colour is 2880 Tutti Frutti. Next is my MUA Nail polish this is in shade 4, i am not going to write alot about this polish as i have a blog about the MUA products and i go into detial about this on that blog here but i will say this is good quality and i will be purchasing more colours in the futrue. Next colour is a asda George nail polish, was £1 i believe as my mother bought this for me well over a year ago, is quick dry and doesnt chip as much as i expected, only needs two coats maximum and is number 15 mid black. Next is the Avon colourtrend in shade Surf, i dont really reccommend using this on it's own i would say use it to add sparkle and shine to the nails as it's not that pigmented on it's own. Next is my MissSporty nail polish, I purchased this to go under my Barrym Nail effects crackle and croc as i think black and silver really pop, this is from the clubbing colours collection and is in shade Mettalic Crystal (Silver), i like this polishes but might purchase some more as i am starting to like them more and more, you can purchase these from Boot, Superdrug and Since taking these pictures (4 days ago) i have also purchased a gold from the clubbing collection of MissSporty in shade Gold Backstage and and i have pruchased a glittery polish also from MissSporty Collection in shade Clear. Lastly are two from the Collection 2000 Hot looks collection, I have 38 Mint Mojo and 46 Fruit Loop, I like how pigmented they are and how they are thick on the nails but i did find it needed 3 coats of polish and chipped quickly with or without a top coat, i was close to throwing them away but changed my mind as they are good for at least one night and i really love the colours.

I hope this wasn't too long for you all again *opps*
I will be back shortly
Mwahh xx

*Disclaimer: All Nail varnishes were purcahsed by myself or were gifts from family or friends. I have not been sponsored to write this blog and all opinions are my own. I am in no way braggin about my collection as i have watched videos on youtube of people with 200 polishes.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

MUA Review.

Recently i have been watching videos on youtube and reading blogs about MUA make up. The products start at the price of £1 and ranges up to £4 for palettes. I thought i would give the products a try and see what i thought of them due to them being so cheap and becoming so popular, as even if i didn't like the stuff i haven't broke the bank to purchase these items.
A bit about the products they are available to purchase at Superdrug, and from the Makeup Academy Website I personally purchased my chosen items, which were a Blusher, a pressed powder, a nail varnish and two lipstick from my local Superdrug.*

All purcahsed items.

I now wish i had bought myself an eyeshadow or even a palette to try, as i love these products. I will be honest at the price range of £1 - £4 i didnt think they would be as good as they are. All items are very pigmented and work well to compliment each other.
Blusher Shade 1. Pressed powder Shade 3

I found they both were great for pigmentation and are both very blendable. I love how the pressed powder is soft to touch and doesn't have that "makeup" smell, it's easy to apply and doesn't make my face look cakey. I have found when using a brush that the powder tends to break up into a loose powder form making it easier to apply to certain areas. The powder always is good at setting my foundation and i love cheap this product actually is. this is now one of my favorite powders and i give it a rating 4.5 out of 5. The blusher has a nice shimmer to it, not too much but is subtle. I think i might go back and grab a Coral colour as i love everything about this blusher and maybe in time i will have a few more colours too. I don't tend to use blusher as i feel they always make me look a bit too done up, but this is blendable and you can add as much as you like. The blusher colours range from the pink i bought through a coral in a deep plum colour. I give this blusher a 5 out of 5 i love this blusher. 

Lipstick Shade 4 and shade 16 (Nectar)


I love these lipsticks! As you can see my the picture they are highly pigmented and i have been loving the pink shade(shade4). I feel these lipsticks are very moisturising and can be built up. Lipsticks for me tend to stick to the dry areas of my lips making my lips look cracked and horrible, but these don't. You don't need to use much of the product to get a look on the lips and this spreads on the lips perfectly. MUA has 16 different shades to choose from so far and i hope they bring out more. I think also that as this brand has gotten more popular they have started to name there colours as i have a shade 4 and sahde 16 nectar. I think over time i will purchase every colour in these lipsticks as they are very close second to my favorite lipsticks. I rate these lipsticks 4.5 out of 5 due it being very close to my favorite brand but not 100% as brilliant.

Nail Varnish Shade 4

I love nail varnishs, i have a big collection of nail varnishes, i would rather have my nails looking perfect and pretty than a full face of make up. I decieded to try this collection, as the nail varnishes looked very pigmented and plus for a £1 your can't moan. You will need two coats, as like other nail varnishes to get a nice even finish, product isn't too watery, easy to remove and i found didn't chip as much as i expected. Being a hair stylist i tend to use my hands alot and over time i find my nails breaks, chip or my nail varnish chips and cracks leaving my nails un-sightly, but this help keep my nails strong and tough so no breakages and it did chip slightly but not as much as some nail varnishes i have used in the past. Mua also do a line called Loves hearts which do nail varnishes for £2 and have Nail Quakes (Cracked effect) and Glitter Nail. i think i will be purchasing more of their nail varnishes. i give this a 4 out of 5, good for it's price.

I hope you enjoyed my views and please leave a comment telling me what you think of these products too. Whats your favorite item? 

 Here is the MUA Blog Please follow MUA as they give up step my step how to create looks using their products and will answer any of your questions.

Until next time Mwahh xx

*Disclaimer: All items mentioned in this blog were purchased by myself with my own money.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Faithful View's - 9/11

Hey guys,
Faithful View's is going to be a series of when i will talk about my views in life and such. This doesn't mean i am correct and what i say is fact, this just means this is how i feel about things and what i think about whatever i will be talking about.
Today i was sorting/tidying my bedroom when i stumbled upon three books that are close to my heart. They are : Eyewitness to history by Rodney Castleden R.R.P £8.99, Conspiracy Theroies By Jamie King R.R.P £ 7.99 and 9.11 The New Evidence By Ian Henshall R.R.P £9.99.
11th of September 1992 i was born and when the tragdey of 9/11 happened it ruined my 9th birthday :(. I was a big geek at school and i was upset because we got sent home as the head teachers nephew was in America at that time. She sent us all home to find out if he was okay and where he was (He was fine by the way), but i was very disappointed as i loved school and i wanted to be with my friends on my birthday. As i was younger, back then i just thought a tower had fell and ruined my birthday and every year i hated it when 9/11 programmes about "the falling man", "The firefighters", "What really happened on 9/11" and "the surviors and family members that lost people that day" were on the telly on my birthday and to this day they still are the same programmes every year *

I don't think we have been told the truth 100%, some things i believe and some i do not. For example i am a believer in a plane alone will not make a tower literally crumble to the ground i think there was something there helping it to fall, sure tower 1  maybe as the preasure of the tower 2 falling could of caused that to become unstable but the tower 2 was made to fall with something i'm not sure with what, but i am sure it was with something. I also do not believe Al-Qaeda is 100% to blame, i do believe they were on the plane and they drove them into the towers, but i think they were paid to die, i mean why would sercurity let them through so easily the morning of 9/11 if they were already on a wanted list? If they knew it was them why not kill them straight away right after 9/11? I also believe the last plane (Flight 93) was shot down and it did not crash. Also one thing that confuses me still to this day is, President Bush was at a school, Booker Elementry School, when 9/11 first hit of tower 1 happened and was sat in a classroom listening to students read to him, when he was informed of what had happened and that there was an attack on his Country he still sat there and carried on listening to the children read, in which later that day gives a speech the whole world to see where he said stuff like, our country is strong, we will fight and declares and war on Iraq and i just think how can a man sit there and listen to children read whilst 1,000's of people die and then declare war? He should of been out of that classroom as soon as the news came in to help fight with his "strong " country. Also he has said to more than one person he had seen the first plane on the telvision, how? he was in a classroom and when the children had finished reading, that was when he went into a different room (Staffroom) and watched it!

9/11 The New Evidence, is a book about 9/11 alone, it gives you the story everyone has been told from the FBI, Bush and Officals and it also gives you, the conspriacy theories, the science behind it all, the history behind Iraq and Amercia before 9/11, it bascially gives every angle of 9/11 you could think of then it's up to you what to believe. I have read and re-read this book over, as you always find something else to believe or think about. I like this book because, in the back it gives you the references where Ian Henshall (the Author) got the information for the book and when you check it strangley, 9 times out of 10 it is from officals. It's there stories that never add up. It's not a book you can snuggle down with in bed, it's more of a revision book and than a reading book.
Eyewitness to History is a thick book of little stories of history, from eyewitness's and a little about that certain fact of history, there are alot of different facts of history in this book ranging  from The Assassination of Julius Caesar to UFO's. This book is very interesting as this accounts for what really happened as whatever is in the book is from people who were actually there. Two people came forward to have what they saw written into the book, Matthew Cornelous and David Lim. They both gave accounts of what had happened to them that day, Matthew had been in Tower 1and didn't really think it could have been as bad as it ended up from just a plane and David had been in Tower 1 when Tower 2  had collapsed.
Conspiracy Theories, is like the Eyewitness Book as, they are both of books of lots of little stories. This book ranges from 9/11 to Man on the Moon. This book only gives you the different theories people have thought of about acts of history. This book gives you even silly little Conspiracy theories like Cartoons. The theory is for the Cartoons story that 700 children in Japan had had a fit after watching a cartoon and the conspiracy is, was this on purpose! I like this book as it leave you hunting for the answers and makes your think.

Before i leave, i would like to add, i think the way people reacted when Bin Laden was "killed" was horrible. If 9/11 is true and he was behind it all and he had planned to kill nearly 3,000 people, how anyone thinks it is right to then kill him too is in the wrong. I live by three motto's in life, "Two wrongs don't make a right", "Everything hppens for a reason" and "What goes around camess around" and they are all true. It's bad he killed thousands of people and hurt many by killing their families and friends but killing him, isn't that the same as what he had done? What about his families and friends? I also don't understand why building a 1,776ft tower where Twin Towers stood called the Freedom Tower is a tribute to any of them that sadly passed away? Twin towers were 1,368ft tall so they build another tower is it's place, in which is slightly taller and another Plane could fly into it! Why a tower called Freedom? You think being killed by a Plane and falling Tower is freedom? Why not do a grave yard of benches with peoples names on? Make it pretty for those who sadly died that day not build another tower!

These are just a few of my views of what happened 9/11, they are not facts and feel free to leave a comment stating what you do or do not believe in.

Mwahh xx
*Disclaimer: I am not saying what i have read in books, saw on television, saw on the internet or just what i believe in general is FACT, i'm just saying that it is what i belief.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Book Review: Isobel's Wedding.

Hey Guys,
I am a HUGE book worm, if i have spare time i read, if i am bored i read. Always have been and probably always will be as I love reading. Recently i finished Isobel's Wedding By Sheila O'Flanagan, This book was actually given to me by my partners nan as she had had a sort out of her old books, but can be bought from Waterstones For £5.99

Front Cover Of Book.

A fabulously addictive novel from No. 1 bestselling author Sheila O'Flanagan about facing every bride-to-be's worst nightmare, and surviving. Four hundred and twenty pearls hand-sewn onto the wedding dress. The Mediterranean honeymoon booked for months. A pile of presents bigger than Everest. And her lovely Tim, the most perfect bridegroom a girl could wish for. Except, two weeks before the wedding, he changes his mind...Isobel's wedding is off. Her world in tatters, Isobel turns to Spain, a new job, a new life and as many men as she can decently manage. Including the very appealing Nico with whom, she feels, there could be a long-term future. But part of Isobel knows that she will have to go back home some day. And that, despite all that's happened since she left, she still has unfinished business... *

I had heard of this author before but had never read any of her books so i was going in not knowing how this would be written, as many authors stay with the same way of writing. I had this book in Hardback which i dont really like as they always seem to big for me :(, but you can't moan when it was free :) This had 442 pages in it but the print wasn't small.
Example of print of the book.
I found this book was quite good, very descriptive which i like as i tend to picture myself within the story. It really grabbed me as i felt every emotion from this book, sadness, happiness and laughter. I would recommend this book to friends and family but is not one i will be keeping. It was a good read yes but to me it dragged out a lot and the end was very short and blunt, i would of liked a longer ending or maybe a follow up book. i give this book a 6 out of 10, due to the ending. All in all the book was good but the ending ruined it slightly for me, i wouldn't read again, but i did like it.

I am currently reading Street Kid By Judy Westwater and a review will be up shortly.

Mwaah x

*Synopsis was taken from