Monday, 6 August 2012

How to make nail art stickers.

Hey guys,
Today i thought i would share with you a easy way to make nail art for you nails. I have never been brilliant with art, i can do stickmen and hearts and that is about it and i find that nail art it too intense at times and trying paint with my left hand as i a right handed person very difficult, but i have a cheat way. You don't need to be brillaint at art, but it does help, it helps with painting with the hand you don't write with and it's quite fun. I would recommend you do this either the night before you plan to stick them on your nails or give them a good hour or two to dry.
All you need for this is a few nail polishes(or all of your collection), Either toothpicks, nail art pens or dotting tools, a plastic wallet what you have spare and nail polish remover nd cotton buds just incase you make a mistake.
Make sure the plastic wallet hasn't got any lumps or bumps in it or you will find you stickers will stick to the grooves. Start drawing little pictures, dots, hearts, smileys or anything onto the plastic wallet. Remeber if you want  design for each nail do at least ten and a few spare just incase. I went across row by row, to make sure i had at least ten stickers per design. Some people only use this techniques for one nail art per time, but i thought i would fill my plastic wallet with all sorts to save time.
As you can see my drawings aren't perfect and i did a little bit of everything, from winter stickers, halloween, bows, words, fruit, clouds, sun, kisses, cookies, cupcakes...etc. You will be surprised how easy it is. If it is your first time and you are like me (not a good artist) start with easy things like i did and build your choice up. Once you have done all the stickers you want leave to dry on a flat surface. I left mine over night.

The next day i painted my nails a light blue colour and waited for it to be touch dry. Then with a pair if tweezers i slowly and gently peeled off a clooud from my plastic wallet and applied it on to my nailand pressed it down lightly. On the bottom cloud i tried to create a few bumps to make it look 3D, but sliding the sticks together slightly on the nail and i think it worked out pretty well. Once you are happy with the nail apply a top coat and you are done. Don't be afraid to test out different designs.

I hope you enjoyed this mini tutorial, i know this will help everyone with their nail art diasters, like i had. I wish someone had told me this idea a few years ago. Feel free to link a blog where you used this idea and i will be sure to check it out. What do you think?
Mwahh xx

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