Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Basic Nail Tutorial.

Hey guys,
Today i thought i would do a nail art tutorial for you, it's very basic and easy to do and all products used were bought by myself, i haven't been paid to write this either.
As you can see it is a basic french tip nail with a little sprinkole of glitter and a heart shped nail gem.
This is simple to do and this adds a little spin on the basic french tip nails.
Step one: I filed my nails to size and shape and then cleansed my hands to get rid of and dirt or product(from hand creams)
Step Two: I took a white nail polish and using the white tips of my own nail as a stencil drew a line with a little arch straight across my nail.
Step Three: After the white tip has dried i took then took a glitter polish(you can use different colours but i went with blue glitter with specs of silver) i went over the white with an even coat.
Step Four: Whilst that was drying i chose a nail gem and apply a little bit of nail glue to the nail where i wanted the gem and using my tweezers i placed the gem on the glue held down for a few seconds and then let the glue harden up a little.
Step Five: Once everything was dry i applied a top coat and there is my basic spin on a french tip.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, i was going to take pictures as i was creating my nail art, but it is so simple to do i thought it would be okay to write about it instead.
If you would prefer pictures with my up and coming tutorials let me know

Mwah xx

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