Friday, 20 July 2012

Patricia Cornwell.

Hey guys,
As i have said in the past i am a big book worm. If i get bored i read, if i have spare time i read and before i go to bed i always ready at least one chapter of a book as it relaxes me and it passes time.
Recently i have been reading the Patricia Cornwell books, a few years ago whilst on holiday i purchased one of her books and read and i loved it. I didn't know at the time it was part of a series lets say. You don't need to read the book as i am doing one after the other as each book as a different story line to it, but i found reading from the first book helps you understand the characters more. I haven't bought all of the book as of yet, but i am on way to getting the whole collection.

As you can see i have 12 books so far and i am currently reading the fourth one Cruel and Unusal. One thing you will notice is 10 books are the same size and font and same cover, one is white and different and i have two big ones, I purchased the 10 the same from Ebay for £19.99 as i thought at £1.99 a book you can't moan, as i started reading All that Remains the third book my partneractually purchased the fourth ones for me, but the Ebay seller is actaully purcahsed this bbok from had sent him the wrong book as he had ordered the book to match the others :( The two big books were actually purchased a year back as a shop you may or may not of heard of The Works always have 3 book for £5 or £1.99 each and i tend to pop in there as they stay up to date with popular books and you can't moan as they not too expensive.
Anyway back to the books, If you enjoy CSI, crime stories or even thrillers i would reccommend you try one these books, but also even if you just like reading and unsure if you will enjoy these try it anyway, as i didn't think i would enjoy these books as i am a type of person that like love stories or true stories. You can purchase these books from Ebay, Amazon and from the site here. I looked on the internet to find a site for you, so you can read about each book as if i were to write each blurb of each book you would be reading forever, i found this site here.
Are you a book worm? Have you read this series? Have you any books you would like to advise me to read? If so leave the a comment below and i will get back to you very soon.
Mwahh xx

Disclaimer: All books were purchased as a gift or by myself and all opinions are my own.

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